Bulletin Announcements 10/18/2022                                    

Would you be so kind as to make your members aware of these weekly Bulletin Announcements by placing them on your church websites and/or bulletin boards? We greatly appreciate it. Be sure to scroll down to catch all the announcements.  These come out every Tuesday sometime after 1 p.m. If you have announcements you would like us to share, please email us the information at announcements@mnsda.com before noon on Tuesdays. If there are reasons that we cannot run your announcement, we will let you know. Thank you.


Minnesota Conference

Employment Opportunities

The Minnesota Conference office is looking for an Administrative Assistant to work in the Secretariat department. This position will provide assistance and support to the vice president for administration while focusing on the mission of the conference and emphasizing teamwork. We are looking for someone who is comfortable learning how to use various kinds of software.  Openness to learning new things and being a team player is a must. Use this link for more information and to apply https://www.mnsda.com/about/ministry-opportunities/administrative-assistant-conference-office


You’re invited!

Please join us as we consecrate the Minnesota Conference Team in service to our Lord! Join us October 22 at 4 p.m. in person at The Edge Christian Worship Center in Brooklyn Park, or online at www.youtube.com/MinnesotaConference. For more information, please contact us at 763.424.8923 or gayln.bowers@mnsda.com.


Maplewood Academy Capital Campaign

For Maplewood Academy to continue to fulfill its God-given mission to work towards the education and salvation of the young people entrusted to us, a new cafeteria building is vital. The need for these funds is urgent. For construction to begin this summer, the funds must be raised this spring for 70% of the building cost. Please prayerfully consider how you might be able to contribute to this exciting project that will support the entire Minnesota Conference, as Maplewood is the location for conference events such as camp meetings, music fest, and various Pathfinder events. Thank you in advance for your support for the young people of Minnesota and the surrounding areas.


Youth Worship Conference

Youth Worship Conference on October 29. Join vibrant youth from around the state for this time of interactive worship, community building and restoration. This is a free day-long event for high school students, and will be hosted at Maplewood Academy. Check out this link for more details and to register today!



Young Adult Worship

Young Adult Worship Event, tonight October 22 at 6:30pm @ The Edge Worship Center.  Food and fellowship provided. 


Club Ministries Training

Club Ministries Training Day, November 12 at the Conference office. Inviting Adventurer and Pathfinder Leaders to grow in their ministry through this immersive training experience! Register today at  https://minnesotaconferenceofsda.regfox.com/club-ministry-training-2022


Family Life Ministries is pleased to invite you to 2022 Couples’ Encounter “Love to the Fullest”.  A weekend for couples to intentionally spend time growing in love, communication, intimacy and more.  It is a time for deep focus and understanding of each other and reflection on their marriage journey and future goals.  Our guest speakers, Adam and Laurella Case will inspire you to grow closer to each other in love, respect and commitment as you experience genuine happiness and fulfillment.  Do not miss this opportunity to refocus and refresh your relationship.  November 4 & 5 at Minnetonka SDA Church.  Registration online is open.  Cost $ 96.00




Or by going to our website and clicking on the registration link at the bottom of our page:




Maplewood Academy Offering video

Maplewood Academy is truly blessed to have the generous support of those who give to our Worthy Student Fund. Unfortunately, here in our Conference, we still have many deserving students who are unable to afford or find scholarships to cover the costs associated with a quality Christian education. Please consider giving a gift that will impact a young person’s life for eternity by making a gift to Maplewood Academy’s Worthy Student Fund. Thank you for your generosity. 


Video Link



Minnesota Conference Women’s Retreat

Come join us November 4-6  for the Women’s Retreat at Cragun’s resort in Brainerd, MN. 

Use the link below to register for this event!  Our mission spotlight will focus on Minneapolis First church community service. Kindly ladies bring cash and/or personal care items to support this mission.




For more details check out our website:



Career Fair

Minnetonka is hosting a career fair on Oct. 23 from 2-6pm.  See flier for more details!



Safeguard Your Medicare and Income-based Assistance Benefits by Using a Charitable IRA Rollover

The Social Security Administration is expected to announce its Cost-of-Living-Adjustment (COLA) this week for Social Security recipients, which could be the highest increase in decades. The increase is expected to be 8.7% to keep pace with year-over-year inflation. While many recipients may benefit from this increase, senior citizens who receive Medicare and other income-based assistance from state programs could face reduced or eliminated benefits due to the significant increase in taxable income. If you are receiving income-based assistance and are concerned that your benefits might be at stake, a Charitable IRA Rollover (also known as a Qualified Charitable Distribution) could be a great way to reduce your taxable income to ensure that you continue to receive your benefits while also helping support the ministries you care about. If you’re 72 or older it also counts towards your RMD. To learn more, please contact the Gift Planning & Trust Services department today at 763-424-8923, or email msims@mnsda.com.