Our Mission

To help people realize they are accepted in Jesus Christ, and come to know, love, serve, and share Him. We do this recognizing that Jesus will return soon, and we will all actively engage in ministry.

Working in Minnesota

The Minnesota Conference is among the fastest growing conferences in the North American Division. We are the oft forgotten conference nestled between Wisconsin and North Dakota, where we are pursuing our Christ-given mission of telling the world about Jesus. With membership just shy of 11,000, we have plenty of room to bring more and more people into relationship with Christ. We do this through keeping our EYES on Jesus - we focus on Evangelism, Youth ministries, Education, Spirituality, Stewardship and Service. 

How to Apply

For pastoral or administrative positions, click on the links below to learn more. If you're interested in pursuing your ministry in Minnesota, please send a resume and application to Human Resources at HR@mnsda.com.

For educational opportunities, click on the link to be redirected to the Adventist Education website postings.

Current Opportunities





Click here for all teacher openings


Conference Office

Assistant to the President - Director of Strategic Initiatives