Students at Stone Ridge Christian School Golf together even as they appropriately socially distance.

At Stone Ridge Christian School, the year is well underway. Although fraught with the challenges of physical distancing, continuous hand washing, temperature checks and masking, the kids are adjusting well to the new routines. Outdoor play offers a break and opportunity to run off some of the energy they seem to have in such boundless supply. During the school day there are no less than three opportunities to get outside and exercise those large muscle groups that in turn make it easier to concentrate back in the classroom.

Physical education this Fall consisted of learning to golf. Each student was given a bag and clubs that fit their size. The school grounds have a modified 3-hole golf course they practiced on with 59, 48, and 40-yard holes. The students learned the proper stance and form for hitting the ball as well as the rules of the game. They also learned  to keep an accurate score card. This particular activity allows the kids to be together while still engaging in physical distancing. When asked what their favorite thing was about learning to golf one of the students responded, “I really like to hit that ball!” Principal Carlson, on the other hand, just prays that no one gets “clunked” on the head with a ball or a club.    

By Collene Rognlie-Klick, Member of the Duluth Church

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