The Minnesota Conference is happy to announce that Pastor Paul A. Dosunmu, an ordained minister of the Gospel, has accepted to be a Bi-Vocation pastor for our All Nations church district. Dr. Dosunmu holds a doctorate degree in Religion, with emphasis in World Mission and Ministry. He was born into a Muslim family in Nigeria, and passionately practiced the religion of his parents. He became an Adventist in “the most unlikely of places”, the city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, baptized on March 12, 1988, by Pastor Mikhail Yorgov.

Communication Department: Pastor, how long have you been in the Minnesota Conference helping with the St. Paul Sharon Church?

Dosunmu: I have been in Minnesota for about three years, working with the St. Paul Sharon Seventh-day Adventist Church as a Bible worker.

CD: We thank you for accepting to be a bi-vocation pastor for a two-church district. What do you think will be your ministerial focus?

Dosunmu: I thank the Conference for giving me the opportunity to serve this district. I will focus my ministry on three points:

  1. Consolidating/growing the district membership.
  2. Work on church building repairs, to make sure that our buildings are representative of the God we worship.
  3. A visionary strategy for growth including the possibility of a church plant.

CD: Being a convert to the Adventist church, how do you see your background as God’s preparation for ministry?

Dosunmu: I am grateful to God. When I became a Seventh-day Adventist, I sought to serve the Lord. The story of Jesus and His gift of salvation as I understood it, in light of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, made such a powerful impression on my heart that I could not but share what I found; I desire to proclaim the three angels' messages.

CD: Thank you, Pastor. We will pray for your ministry in the All Nations district.

Pastor Dosunmu has four lovely daughters, Shekinah, Shalom, Sharon and Shem and a son, Shammah. Shekinah is in the New York State University Medical School, Shalom is working and in school, and the rest of his children are still in grade schools. Paul loves evangelism and church planting. He was ordained to the Gospel ministry in 2001 in his native country, Nigeria. He is a published author, and currently works with the State of Minnesota Correctional facilities as a Chaplain.


By Brian Mungandi, VP for Administration / Communication Director

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