Dear Church Leaders: 


Per the North American Division Community Services Program:


NAD Adventist Community Services is committed to supporting the operations of ACS Food Pantry Ministries of Local Conferences within the NAD territories (United States, Canada, Bermuda, and Guam-Micronesia). As a result, we are investing 1.5 million dollars and allocating a grant of $25,000 per conference for relief efforts.


Awarded funds is only for cost of purchasing food and additional expenses related to safety of food distribution and handling. i.e.: Gloves, Sanitizer, and packaging.


Before we can obtain this grant money, we need to know which of our churches have an operational food pantry for the Covid-19 virus and how many churches would be able or want to start a food pantry for the community. The only stipulation is that church members would have to give whatever items purchased via the grant money to the community at large and not to another organization.


Please note: All items will need to be purchased out of church funds and all receipts must be kept as churches will be reimbursed.


The deadline is April 19th for you to email me with your church’s decision on having a food pantry distribution site.


Also, please plan to share innovative ideas and any type of current engagement in your community that are a result of the Coronavirus outbreak situation.


If you have questions please contact me, Minnesota Disaster Response Coordinator at



Les Morrison
Minnesota Disaster Response Coordinator

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