Hello Everyone,
Would you be so kind as to make your members aware of these weekly Bulletin Announcements by placing them on your church websites and/or bulletin boards? We greatly appreciate it. Be sure to scroll down to catch all the announcements. These come out every Tuesday sometime after 1 p.m. If you have announcements you would like us to share, please email us the information before noon on Tuesdays. If there are reasons that we cannot run your announcement, we will let you know. Thank you.
North American Division
The 2021 GO DO IT is the first annual Youth Congress, sponsored by the North American Division Youth and Young Adult Ministries Department. This event is FREE! Random backpack giveaways during the event that include a MacBook or iPhone.
All GO DO IT Sessions are happening simultaneously on Friday and Saturday. Each session will be 50 minutes long. There will be time to attend two sessions on Friday, August 13 and two sessions on Saturday, August 14 - 4:30pm and 5:30pm EST/ 3:30pm and 4:30pm CST. The Go Do It Youth Congress is happening August 12-14 and you don't want to miss it! The music, messages, and connections are going to be extraordinary. Register to be a part of this event on our website https://oneteamplaybook.org NOW!
2024 International Camporee
Minnesota Conference
ABC Camp Meeting Sale
Gift Planning Service
Did you know that giving cash, writing a check, or donating online are not the only ways you can financially support God’s work in Minnesota? Cash donations are certainly always needed and are gratefully received. But sometimes it might make more sense to give assets you own instead that have grown in value like Stocks, Bonds, Cryptocurrencies, Real Estate other than your home, unused land, IRA funds if you’re 70 ½ or older, or other valuable property. In addition to receiving an Income Tax Deduction for your gift, you may also be able to Bypass Capital Gains Taxes (up to 30% or more on the gain) between federal and state. That means your gift to your local church, school, North Star Camp, Maplewood Academy, Evangelism, or any of the ministries of the Minnesota Conference you want to support could actually go much further than just giving cash. If you would like to learn more about how you can support the ministries of the Minnesota Conference using appreciated assets you own, please contact us today and let us help you find the best solution to meet your goals and wishes. (763) 424-8923; www.mnsdagift.org; msims@mnsda.com.
Minneapolis First SDA Ambassadors present a High School Stewardship Conference on Sabbath, July 17, 2021 from 1:30-5:30pm - Are you looking for your first job? Are you heading off to college? Guest Speaker Sydney Otundo, founder of That's Their Dream will talk about how to manage your money in High School; how to stay out of debt in College; what is the difference between a debit and credit card; taking out school loans, and so much more.
Receptionist Position Available Starting August
The Minnesota Conference office is looking for a part-time receptionist to answer and field phone calls, greet visitors, and aid in projects as assigned. This position will begin in August, and will be Monday through Thursday, 7 hours per day. Schedule to be worked out upon hire. Seeking someone who loves Jesus and emulates Him in their interactions with others; strong communication and customer service skills; and a willingness to learn. Bilingual is a bonus, but not required. Interested parties should contact Savannah Carlson at scarlson@mnsda.com.
Maplewood Academy
Maplewood Academy is now accepting applications for the 2021-2022 school year. Applications can be filled out online at www.maplewoodacademy.org/admissions. If you'd like to visit campus, we can arrange a tour for you. Give us a call: 320.587.2830.
Messiah’s Mansion Countryside Church
Countryside SDA Church, near St. Cloud, will be host to Messiah’s Mansion this summer. The life-size sanctuary will be coming in August, dates for tours are August 14-22, 2021. http://www.messiahsmansionstcloud.org
Also, we are looking for SDA people who know a 2nd language to translate from English so we can share the gospel with as many people as possible. We have outlines of the tour available so people can become familiar with what we share in the tour. For more information or to schedule a tour, please call Dave Parker at 218-639-3549, or email: loggerdave372@gmail.com