Spring Lake Park, MN (September 22, 2020) – On Sunday, September 20, the Minnesota Conference Board of Trustees voted that the risk and potential for financial loss of owning and operating an Adventist Book Center (ABC) run by the Conference is too great, as such, the Conference shall not open an ABC either now or in the foreseeable future.

The ABC was owned and operated by the Iowa-Missouri Conference, which has been operating the Minnesota location since 2014, when Pacific Press stopped managing ABC stores. The Iowa-Missouri Conference decided to permanently close the ABCs they owned and operated, including the ABC located at the Minnesota Conference office, which closed permanently as of September 1, 2020. Declining sales and rising operating costs are among the reasons for the closure. This closure came next in a string of ABC stores closing nationwide, with the Rocky Mountain Conference closing their ABC in 2019.

The Minnesota Conference Board of Trustees developed a committee to study various options as they relate to maintaining an ABC locally. Upon conclusion, the Board voted not to open an ABC, as previously stated. The Board of Trustees hopes that alternative means of ordering food may be possible in the future. Please keep this in your prayers moving forward.

Currently, books and periodical may be ordered on an individual basis by visiting www.adventistbookcenter.com or calling 1-800-765-6955. For more information, please contact Brian Mungandi at 763.424.8923 or bmungandi@mnsda.com.


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